
As part of the experiential learning process, ENG 3CX3 requires the development of a personal project to incorporate and directly apply the workshop topics to the extracurricular activity. This section of my notion outlines my proposed project, a training plan for mental toughness.

Project Summary

My proposed project looks to tackle the role that both physical and mental wellbeing has on athletics. The ideas which have been presented thus far in the course primarily aid in individual processes and thinking. Each workshop required me to think deeper about my actions to this point and ultimately led to a better understanding of why I behave the way I do. If taught more broadly this has the potential to help athletes navigate the highs and lows of training in a stronger mental space.

This project would provide a breakdown of a mental training plan, similar to a physical training plan, complete with “chalk talk”, exercises, and objectives. The lesson plans will be targeted towards coaches to aid them in the implementation and overall understanding of the material covered.

There are 5 key traits of mental toughness which are adressed in this training: mindset, confidence, intensity, focus, and motivation. Each of the 4 proposed exercises tackles at least one of these traits and gives both the invigilator and the athlete the required background knowledge and instructions to be able to efficiently carry them out as part of their normal routine.



Project Proposal

Project Proposal

Final Project

Completed Deliverables

Tasks & Overview

To Do

Project Timeline